Planned construction and event detours or alerts are published below.

To check for unplanned detours or delays, click here.

When the page loads, select “Alerts” from the menu at the top of the screen.

  • Sun Shuttle Rodeo Parade Detours, Feb.20, 6 AM - 1PM

    Due to the Rodeo Parade, Sun Shuttle Routes 430 and 440 will be on detour beginning February 20 from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    ROUTE 430

    The following stop will not be serviced: Irvington Road/11th Avenue. Riders can utilize the stops at: Laos Transit Center and/or Irvington Road/15th Avenue.

    ROUTE 440

    The following stop will not be serviced: Irvington Road/11th Avenue. Riders can utilize the stops at: Laos Transit Center and/or 12th Avenue/Wyoming Street


    • 430 - Tucson Estates/Valencia West
    • 440- San Xavier
  • Sun Express Rodeo Detours, Feb. 20, 6 AM - 1 PM

    Due to the Rodeo Parade, Sun Express Routes 203X and 204X will be on detour on February 20 from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. All stops along detour will be serviced.

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced: Irvington Rd/Laos Transit Center


    • 203X Oro Valley - Aero Park Express
    • 204X Northwest - Aero Park Express
    Map of Route Change
  • Sun Tran Rodeo Parade Detours, Feb. 20, 6 AM - 1 PM

    Due to the Rodeo Parade, Sun Tran Routes 2, 11, 12, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 50 will be on detour on February 20 from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. All stops along detours will be serviced.

    ROUTE 2

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced: Irvington Rd/ Park Ave (NW) to Irvington Rd/6th Ave (SE)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Irvington Rd/ Park Ave (SE), Irvington Rd/ Mountain Ave

    ROUTE 11

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced: 6th Ave/ Irvington Rd (NE) to 6th Ave/Ajo Way(SW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Ajo Way/6th Ave (SE), Ajo Way/2nd Ave

    ROUTE 12

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Liberty Ave/ Utah St (SW) to Liberty Ave/Nebraska St (NW)

    - 12th Ave/Nebraska St (NE) to 12th Ave/Wyoming St (NE)

    Irvington Rd/11th Ave (SE)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, 12th Ave/Irvington Rd (NE), 12th Ave/Oklahoma St (NW), 12th Ave/Ohio St

    ROUTE 18

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced: 6th Ave/Irvington (NE) to 6th Ave/Ajo Way (SW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, 6th Ave/Ajo Way (NE), 6th Ave/Veterans Blvd

    ROUTE 23

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Liberty Ave/Utah St (SW) to Liberty Ave/ Nebraska St (NW)

    - 12th Ave/Nebraska St (NE)

    - Irvington Rd/11th Ave (SE)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Irvington Rd/13th Ave (NW), Irvington Rd/16th Ave (SE)

    ROUTE 24

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - 12th Ave/Valencia Rd (NE) to 12th Ave/ Wyoming St (NE)

    - Irvington Rd/ 11th Ave (SE)

    - Liberty Ave/Utah St (SW) to Liberty Ave/Nebraska St (NW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, 12th Ave/Valencia Rd (SW), 12th Ave/ Medina Rd (NE)

    ROUTE 25

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Irvington Rd/6th Ave (SE) to Irvington Rd/ Park Ave (NW)

    - Park Ave/Ohio St (SW) to Park Ave/Ajo Way (SW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Park Ave/Irvington Rd (NE), Park Ave/Wyoming St

    ROUTE 26

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Irvington Rd/ 6th Ave (SE) to Irvington Rd/ Park Ave (NW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Irvington Rd/ Park Ave (SE), Irvington Rd/ Mountain Ave

    ROUTE 27

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Drexel Rd/ Santa Clara Ave to Drexel Rd/ 12th Ave (NW)

    - 12th Ave/Drexel Rd (NE) to 12th Ave/ Wyoming St (NE)

    - Irvington Rd/11th Ave (SE)

    - Liberty Ave/Utah St (SW) to Liberty Ave/ Nebraska St (NW)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Pima College Deset Vista Campus, Valencia Rd/ Midvale Medical Center (NE), Valencia Rd/ Midvale Park (SW)

    ROUTE 29

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Valencia Rd/Santa Clara Avenue to Valencia Rd/Missiondale

    - 6th Avenue/Valencia Rd to 6th Ave/Nebraska St

    - Nebraska St/ 6th Ave (NW)

    - Liberty Ave/Nebraska St (NE) to Liberty Ave/Irvington Rd (SE)

    - Nogales Highway/Irvington Rd (SW)

    - Thoroughbred St/6th Ave (NE)

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Valencia Rd/Midvale Medical Center, Valencia Rd/ Commerce Court

    ROUTE 50

    The following stop(s) will not be serviced:

    - Ajo Way/ 12th Ave (SE) to Ajo Way/6th Ave (NW)

    - 6th Ave/ Ajo Way (SW) to 6th Ave/Irvington Rd

    - Liberty Ave/Irvington Rd

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at: Laos Transit Center, Ajo Way/12th Ave (NW), Ajo Way/16th Ave


    • 2 - Pueblo Gardens
    • 11 - Alvernon
    • 12 - 10th/12th Ave.
    • 18 - S. 6th Ave.
    • 23 - Mission
    • 24 - 12th Ave.
    • 25 - S. Park Ave.
    • 26 - Benson Highway
    • 27 - Midvale Park
    • 29 - Valencia
    • 50 - Ajo Way
    Map of Route Change
  • Route 3 Routing Changes Beginning February 23, 2025!

    Starting February 23, route 3 will no longer service Escalante Road between Pantano Road and Camino Seco.

    The following stops will not be serviced by route 3:

    - Stella Road/ Lakeside to Stella Road/Camino Seco

    - Camino Seco/Magda Avenue to Camino Seco/Escalante Road

    - Escalante Road/Avenida de las Palmas to Escalante Road/Pantano Road

    The following stops will be added to Route 3:

    - Pantano Road/ Stella Road (SW)

    - Pantano Road/ Victoria Drive

    - Panatano Road/ Escalante Road


    • 3 - 6th St./Wilmot
  • Route 37 Routing Changes Beginning February 23, 2025!

    Starting February 23, route 37 will now serve Stella Road between Pantano Road and Camino Seco. It will also be serving Camino Seco between Stella Road and Irvington Road.

    The following stops will not be serviced by route 3:Pantano Road/Stella Road (SW) to Pantano Road/Constant Place

    The following stops will now be serviced by route 37:

    - Stella Road/ Lakeside Drive

    - Stella Road/ Mead Avenue (SE)

    - Stella Road/Manitoba Avenue (NW)

    - Stella Road/Sarnoff Drive

    - Stella Road/ Morman Drive (NW)

    - Stella Road/Magda Avenue (SE)

    - Stella Road/ Camino Seco (NW)

    - Camino Seco/ Magda Avenue (NE)

    - Camino Seco/Escalante Road (NE)

    - Camino Seco/ Desert Spring Street

    - Camino Seco/Linderbrook Drive

    - Camino Seco/ Almond Street


    • 37 - Pantano
  • Route 11 & 50 Routing Changes Beginning February 23, 2025!

    Starting February 23, route 11 will no longer serve South 6th Avenue between Ajo Way and Laos Transit Center. The existing route 50 will now merge with route 11. Riders can utilize Route 18 to travel to South 6th Avenue between Ajo Way and Laos Transit Center.

    The following stops will no longer be served by Route 11:

    - 6th Avenue/Ajo Way to 6th Avenu/Irvington Road

    - Laos Transit Center

    The following stops will be added to route 11:

    - Ajo Way/ 6th Ave (NW)

    - Ajo Way/ Liberty Avenue

    - Ajo Way/12th Avenue

    - Ajo Way/ 16th Avenue

    - Ajo Way/Cottonwood Lane

    - Ajo Way/ Valley Road

    - Ajo Way/ Holiday Isle Boulevard

    - Ajo Way/ Freedom Drive

    - Ajo Way/ Plaza Del Sol

    - Ajo Way/ Mission Road (SE)

    - Mission Road/ Ajo Way (SW)


    • 11 - Alvernon
    • 50 - Ajo Way
  • Route 7 Construction Detour, February 23 - Until Further Notice

    Due to the 22nd Bridge Project, Route 7 will be on a permanent detour until further notice. Rider can find the detour in the February Ride Guide beginning February 23.

    The following stop will not be serviced:

    - 22nd Street/Country Club Road (NW)

    - 22nd Street/Treat Avenue

    - 22nd Street/Tucson Boulevard

    Riders can utilize the following new stops:

    - Country Club Road/23rd Street

    - Country Club Road/27th Street

    - Country Club Road/30th Street (NW)

    - Country Club Road/ Silverlake Road (NE)


    • 7 - 22nd St.
  • Service changes for all Sun Tran & Sun Express routes starting Feb. 23!


    Beginning February 23, 2025, all Sun Tran and Sun Express routes will have service changes.

    Routing changes will also take place for routes 3, 7, 11, 37.

    Route 50 will be discontinued and will be merging with route 11.

    Riders, please carefully review the changes to your route.

  • Route 11 Discontinued Stop, January 23 - Until Further Notice

    Due to construction on Grant Road, Route 11 Southbound bus stop on Alvernon Way/Grant Road will not be serviced until further notice.

    Riders can utilize stop(s) at:

    - Temporary stop a few feet south of Alvernon/Grant

    - Alvernon Way/Seneca Street

    - Alvernon Way/Flower Street


    • 11 - Alvernon
  • Route 9 Discontinued Bus Stops, January 16 - Until Further Notice

    Due to construction on Grant Road, Route 9 has multiple discontinued stops starting January 16 until further notice.

    The following stops are discontinued:

    - Grant Road/Alvernon Way (SE)

    - Grant Road/Dodge Boulevard (SE)

    - Grant Road/ Chrysler (NW)

    Riders can utilize the following stops:

    - Temporary stop at Grand Road/Sycamore Boulevard (SE)

    - Grant Road/ Alvernon Way (NW)

    - Grant Road/North Street (SE)

    - Grant Road/Dodge (NW)

    -Grant Road/Rita Ave (SW)

    - Grant Road/Edith Boulevard (NE)

    -Temporary Stop at Grant Road/Country Club Road (NE)


    • 9 - Grant