Lost & Found
Have you misplaced a personal item? Think you may have left it on one of Sun Tran’s buses at a transit center or on a Sun Link streetcar? Contact the Sun Tran Customer Satisfaction Center to see if your item has been returned. Sun Tran does its best to retrieve lost items; however, we are not responsible for items left on buses, at transit centers, at bus stops, or on streetcars.

We will hold items for 14 calendar days before they are either donated or disposed of. All perishable items will be disposed of immediately.
- Call Lost & Found at (520) 792-9222
- Describe the item and date of loss
- Pick up item at the Sun Tran Administrative Office, 3920 N. Sun Tran Blvd. (Route 10) 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mon-Fri or by appointment
- Bring a valid photo ID
- Be prepared to sign a claimant form before taking possession of the lost item